Animal Symbolism in the Siuox Culture The Turtle (ke-ya) You will often see the turtle symbol in Sioux Art. The Lakota Oyate observed the changes occurring with each new moon. Each moon was identified in descriptive terms by the occurrences of that month. The Lakota also observed the changes in the stars in the night sky. Certain star constellations appeared during each season. From these observations, they determined the equinox and the changes in the seasons. The Lakota identified 13 months in a year because of the 13 new moons; each moon has 28 days from one new moon to the next. The Lakota Oyate also observed some creatures that reflected natural phenomena. For instance, the keya (turtle) has 13 large scales on its back, and 28 small scales around the shell. Because of these and other natural occurrences the keya became an important symbol in Lakota society.The turtle is also a involved in a custom for many families. When a newborn child's umbilical cord drops off, the Mother often crafts a pouch, in the shape of, or with the symbol of a turtle on it. This "amulet" is tied to the childs crib. It is meant to ward off illness and also used as the childs first toy. The Amulet is then put up until the child is old enough to respect the meaning of it, then usually worn around the neck. The picture of the keya dream catcher in the photo along with this text is from the Atka Lakota Musuem and the link to the product page is: Amulet picture courtesy of Native Arts Trading The Buffalo (Tatonka) Holds deep meaning for the Sioux and generally represents Mother earth and all she provides and offers. There are legends concerning the White Buffalo as well. It is very common to see Buffalo depicted in the art. Again, the dream catcher above is fashioned out of Buffalo bone. The Buffalo is an important part of a Girl's ritual into Womanhood. The Buffalo, for Sioux men, represents protection and their responsibility to provide protection to the females and the Tribe. When hunting the Buffalo, the Sioux used Ever part of the animal. The Deer: The Lakota refer to the deer's swiftness, to the mysterious way in which the deer can hide itself when hunted, and to those 'magical' songs that can make deer appear. For the Lakota, the deer has a double nature and manifests dangerous power. For example, in myths the blacktail deer is known to appear as a beautiful maiden in order to lure men to a lonely, isolated spot. When the man follows, the deer usually transforms back into its real self and death of the young man follows. If, however, the young man does not die, then he is thought to possess great power. Black Road, the original leader of the Oglala Bow Society, apparently secured his own personal power from this source (Brown 1997: 20). Elk Young men are appreciative of the qualitie of the Elk Bull. The Elk represents Gallantry, protection and beauty. The Elk tooth is a symbol of long life. However, it is the mythical Elk Bull which is revered. The Bear The bear is symbolized for as the male polarity of the animals (Where the Buffalo was for female) The Bear is fierce, and unpredictable, but pays attention to herbs, so it has great significance in healing and medicine. The Grey Wolf The grey wolf has claimed the attention of Plains Indian warriors more than most other animals. They have observed that the grey wolf is a fast runner of great endurance and as such Lakota war party scouts often wore wolf hides so as to be 'fleet of foot'. Wolves are wanderers and therefore have knowledge of everything. As such hunters have often prayed to wolves when they wanted to locate game. Wolves give advice. They teach songs in dreams and visions and teach humans how to howl as a wolf. The wolf's howl has special powers. For example, one legend recounts the story of a wolf who teaches a warrior a song and when the warrior howls wind is created. Another howl produces fog. The wind confuses the enemy and the fog lends invisibility to the war party The Great Chief Black Elk thought no animal was insignificant. He believed people could learn from the smallest of creatures. Among the most important to the Lakota, he noted the: Eagle The Eagle is able to fly higher than any bird, and see everything from a greater advantage. Great care and respect was given to the capture of an Eagle to remove feathers. Warriors even cried out of respect as they plucked the feathers. Even today, The Lakota, when seeing an Eagle, will offer it tobacco. Sometimes that means throwing a couple of cigarettes down. Eagles are considered a very positive sign These are just a few of the many symbols revered and used by the Native American, especially the Sioux Nation. Animals which appear in dreams are sometimes considered visions. You can learn a lot about a culture by taking language classes. You can learn Lakota, or any other language. You can take Italian Course New York Native American Fine Art Shows Their Schedule True, authentic, Native American Fine Art. US and Canada Fetching RSS feed... please stand by Parts of a Buffalo used by the Sioux Culture and Tradition Lakota legends Links to Stories and Legends of the Sioux Peoples The Legend of the Dream Catcher THE LEGEND OF THE DREAM CATCHER Long ago when the world was young an old Lakota spiritual leader was on a high mountain and had a vision. In this vision, Iktomi, the great trickster and teacher of wisdom, appeared in the form of a spider. Iktomi the spider picked up the elder's wil Legend of the White Bufflao Calf Woman A beautiful, touching, and amazingly relevant legend. Read how the legend came about, and discover that it may be coming to pass. The Sioux are beautiful Storytellers, I only wish I had their talent to share this wonderful legend with you, I think the spirit of the legend comes through nicely though, enjoy!

Kamis, 03 November 2011


Kehidupan oang gunung pada zaman dahulu, masyarakat orang gunung hidup dengan potensi yang cukup tinggi, dan masyarakat mempunyai cinta kashi sesame orang lain Maka cinta kashi mempunyai orang gunung. Kenapa saya bilang orang gunung, karena pada awalnya orang gunung pegang dengan Iman dan cinta kashi sesame orang lain dan orang gunung tidak biasa membelah terhadap oang yang bersalah, biar itu orang Tua atau saudara yang bersalah harus diberi hukum dan melihat kesalahan dia. Kalau dia berbuat salah ( berbuat dosa dengan orang lain maka di beri hokum mati) maka orang tersebut di beri hukum mati, hukum mati karena orang tersebut berbuat salah. Kenapa di beri hokum mati ?
Karena adat orang gunung sudah biasa. Kalau disembnyi orang lain bias tahu dari segi hidup orang tersebut (keluarga tersebut).   


Posisi dan peran penting mahasiswa/I sebagai eleman generasi muda dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat dan bernegara, menegaskan akan sebuah kekuatan multi dimensi potensial yang dimilikinya. Peran tersebut diwujudkan atas dasar sikap kritis dan responsif yang selalu ditampilkan dalam mencermati denyut nadi kehidupan disekitarnya kita pada saat ini.
LPMAK adalah lembaga pengelola dana kemitraan dari PTFI yang didalamnya terdapat bagian biro pendidkan yang diberi tugas dan tanggung jawab untuk mengelolah bagian pendidikan dan juga bisa dikatakan sebagai organisasi yang menghimpun mahasiswa profesi yang diseleksi melalui seleksi , merespon kondisi kebutuhan didaerah pada masa mendatang  dengan lebih meningkatkan peran aktif dari fungsi controlnya terhadap pihak yang membutuhkan.
Sesuai peran dari LPMAK ataupun agent of change dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat (SDM), maka mahasiswa utusan tentu akan menjadi ujung tombak. Kemampuan analisis serta kinerja yang terorganisasi dalam wadah yang sekarang berkembang baik secara teoritis maupun secara peraktis yang harus dijujnjung untuk keberadaannya dan yang harus dapat dipungkiri pada periode mendatang yang mana diharuskan mampu mengoptimalkan potensi-potensi kedaeraan dalam menjawab kebutuhan sumber daya manusia dalam dunia pendidikan baik secara bersamaan sebagai wujud dari eksistensi sesuai dengan utusan dari LPMAK.
Pendidikan kader LPMAK yang dilaksanakan di papua  masih memisahkan antara pendidikan lingkungan dengan latihan kepemimpinan serta pemahaman teknik hidup di alam bebas sehingga perlu diadakan pendidikan lingkungan yang berbasis kepemimpinan dan teknik hidup di alam bebas yang terarah dan terpadu, dengan harapan hasilnya akan terbentuk pola pikir kepemimpinan yang terarah tentang perkembangan permasalahan pada lingkungan hidup melalui belajar,berjiwa pemimpin,berbobot dan juga bisa diandalkan dalam berbagai bidang dan yang seharusnya tidak terfokus pada satu pemikiran saja (belajar secara teori saja), tapi harus ada prakteknya lagi.
By. W uamang


Posisi dan peran penting mahasiswa/I sebagai eleman generasi muda dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat dan bernegara, menegaskan akan sebuah kekuatan multi dimensi potensial yang dimilikinya. Peran tersebut diwujudkan atas dasar sikap kritis dan responsif yang selalu ditampilkan dalam mencermati denyut nadi kehidupan disekitarnya kita pada saat ini.
LPMAK adalah lembaga pengelola dana kemitraan dari PTFI yang didalamnya terdapat bagian biro pendidkan yang diberi tugas dan tanggung jawab untuk mengelolah bagian pendidikan dan juga bisa dikatakan sebagai organisasi yang menghimpun mahasiswa profesi yang diseleksi melalui seleksi , merespon kondisi kebutuhan didaerah pada masa mendatang  dengan lebih meningkatkan peran aktif dari fungsi controlnya terhadap pihak yang membutuhkan.
Sesuai peran dari LPMAK ataupun agent of change dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat (SDM), maka mahasiswa utusan tentu akan menjadi ujung tombak. Kemampuan analisis serta kinerja yang terorganisasi dalam wadah yang sekarang berkembang baik secara teoritis maupun secara peraktis yang harus dijujnjung untuk keberadaannya dan yang harus dapat dipungkiri pada periode mendatang yang mana diharuskan mampu mengoptimalkan potensi-potensi kedaeraan dalam menjawab kebutuhan sumber daya manusia dalam dunia pendidikan baik secara bersamaan sebagai wujud dari eksistensi sesuai dengan utusan dari LPMAK.
Pendidikan kader LPMAK yang dilaksanakan di papua  masih memisahkan antara pendidikan lingkungan dengan latihan kepemimpinan serta pemahaman teknik hidup di alam bebas sehingga perlu diadakan pendidikan lingkungan yang berbasis kepemimpinan dan teknik hidup di alam bebas yang terarah dan terpadu, dengan harapan hasilnya akan terbentuk pola pikir kepemimpinan yang terarah tentang perkembangan permasalahan pada lingkungan hidup melalui belajar,berjiwa pemimpin,berbobot dan juga bisa diandalkan dalam berbagai bidang dan yang seharusnya tidak terfokus pada satu pemikiran saja (belajar secara teori saja), tapi harus ada prakteknya lagi.
By. W uamang


1.1            Backround
In many books of linguistics, there are many definition abaut language. Oxford Dictionary (2000 : 752) “language is the system of communication in spcech and writing that is used by people of a particular country”. All of civilizations in the world can not stand without language. Without languages, no one can understand each other.
Linguistics is the scinentifics study of language or particular language a course in applied linguistics, (oxrord Dictionary 2000: 781). Burung  and kuan (2005 : 2) mentioned that linguistics aspects consist of phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax semantics and pragmatics.
Linguistically language families there are classified as Austronesia as Ambai, Biak, Ansus, wandamen, waropen. It  position in the Westrn New Guinea Area and mostly locates on New Guinea.
Typhologycally, in sawaki (2005:55) said that Papuan language employ verd- final word –order with SV/AVO. Papuan languages are agglunative, which are verb complicated in morphological inflectional, but they are predictable.
For example typology as in Yali.
At an mu-wa-r-eh-ek
3s 1s-hit-real-NrPast-3s
He hit me recently

1.2            The name of the language and its speakers
The preference name of speaker is Amungme, the is Amungkal, and their area is Amungsa. Etymologically, the  name ‘Amungkal’ come from two words Amung ‘first or prominent’ and kal ‘language’. So this tribe thinks that they are the or prominent human, language, and region. Muller (2004: 4 in mention that, the language of the Amungme, called amungkal.
There are some alternative names given for Damal such as Amung, among kal, Amungme, Amuy, Enggipiloe, Hamong, Oehondoeni, Uhunduni from the neighbors language (S. Wurm 2000 in
I want to recognize that, the words Amung, Amungkal, Amungme and Hamung above are refer to the alternative name of Amungme. Giving name for Amungme from another people such as. Amume  and amugme are giving from another neighbors like people coastal area. Kemawe ‘highland people’ from kamoro, uhunduni 


A generalization is a specific kind of conclusion. All generalizations are conclusions, but not all conclusions are generalizations. A generalization is a broad statement that applies to many examples. A generalization is formed from a number of examples or facts and what they have in common. Example: All animals that have feathers are birds.
Readers recognize and evaluate generalizations made by an author. Readers make and support their own generalizations based on reading a selection. Clue words that support instruction for generalizations: all, none, most, many, always, everyone, never, sometimes, some, usually, seldom, few, generally, in general, and overall. Generalizations are statements that may include or imply ideas. Example: The climate in Mexico is generally warmer than that of the northern United States. Thoughtful readers are able to recognize generalizations. They are able to evaluate if a generalization is adequately supported by specific facts. Instruction for this strategy may include helping students evaluate, make judgments and form opinions A judgment is an opinion about the value of an action, a character, a situation, an author’s assertions, elements of the text, etc. Thoughtful readers use their own experiences and details from the text to make judgments, form opinions, evaluate, or generalize.